Egor must be brought back to Kiev
News 19.9.2021: Egor is on his way to Kiev!
Viktoria Dobrzhynska is now traveling with Egor and a nurse on the night train from Nikolaiev to Kiev. The journey takes 9.5 hours for a distance of almost 500 km.

We estimate the cost of his 3rd trip to Kiev to the eye clinic to be €250.
Egor had cleft palate and was already operated twice in Kiev (2020 & 2021) in the Institute of Maxillofacial Surgery.

Egor also had problems with his eyes since birth, namely purulent conjunctivitis. First the doctors thought that after the operation it would get better, but unfortunately it didn’t really work out. That is why we took Egor to Kiev to get an evaluation by the eye clinic. The doctors there said that nasolacrimal canals must be probed, cleaned and filled with the special gel. It is like a small operation and it is done under anesthesia. The earliest date we could get is on 20.09. That means on Sunday 19.09 we have to travel to Kiev again. The cost of travel together with surgery materials is ~250€.
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