Egor and Sofia are on the way to Kiev
Update 23.06.2021
Egor was successfully operated last week on June 16th at Kiev’s institute of maxillofacial surgery. The operation and post operation period ran smoothly. Yesterday Egor was discharged from the hospital. Together with his nurse they took the night train and have safely come back to NBH today.
His next trip to Kiev is scheduled in 6 months for a checkup.
The administration of NBH and all caregivers heartedly thank you for making this trip and child’s treatment possible.

Here are some pictures of Egor right after operation and during his stay at the hospital. Remember, Egor had cleft palate and was operated the second time. It must be very painful, as we can see.
Update 22.06.2021
A very short update.
Egor was operated and he is still in Kiev recovering from the surgery.
Update 14.06.2021
Sofia and her nurse have left back to Nikolaev tonight.
We have finally have managed to organize Egor’s trip to Kiev. There was a delay because of lockdown in April. Yesterday evening he left Nikolaev with his nurse and today they arrived safely at Kiev’s institute of face and maxilla facial surgery. His operation is scheduled for the 16.06.21
Because we always try to combine the trips, in order to save costs, we sent one more girl to Kiev – Sofia – who was operated at the same hospital in 2018 and needed a routine control. Doctors said the girl is doing very well, there is nothing to do at the moment, but she will need one more operation at the age of 8-9 years – approximately in 4 years time.
Egor and Sofia are accompanied by 2 nurses.

Such a trip always costs money.
Thanks to your donations in the past we were able to plan this trip.
Please visit this page to find out how you can donate!
Thank you so much in advance!