Angelina must travel to Kiev for a check-up
Updated news 5.3.2021
Angelina was operated in September 2020 at Kiev’s Cardio Center (KCC), now she is scheduled for a check-up at KCC.
We have to organize the trip for Angelina! Only the money for the trip to Kiev and for the salary for the accompanying nurse is missing.
We calculate between 200 € and 300 €. Everyone who would like to help to save Angelina’s life helps with a donation.
Please visit this page to find out how you can donate!
Thank you so much in advance!
December 2020
Angelina has AIDS. So it took almost 3 years before she was finally accepted for the operation.
On September 14th, she was finally operated on in Kiev’s Cardio Center (KCC). There were some difficulties after the operation. But Angelina survived everything well and a few weeks later she traveled back to Nikolaiev. Now the girl feels fine and her life is out of danger.
Olga Ivanovna, Iryna and all employees would like to thank you for everything you did for Angelina. Thank you so much!

August 2020
The operation in March had to be cancelled because of Corona Quarantine. Now it is planed to take the child to KCC for operation in September 2020.
We need to buy train tickets and pay a nurse to acompany Angelina and stay with her at the hospital in Kiev.

November 2019
Angelina was brought to Kiev again for one more consultation. This time doctors at KCC appointed operation for March 2020.
April 2019
Angelina traveled to Kiev again and visited two hospitals again: Kiev Cardio Center (KCC) and Kiev’s Institute of oral and maxillofacial surgery. At both clinics the girl was examinations and at both places the doctors said there was no way to operate the child right now. Angelina was too small physically to stand anesthesia easily.
September 2018
Angelina traveled to Kiev where she passed examinations at two hospitals: Kiev Cardio Center (KCC) and Kiev’s Institute of oral and maxillofacial surgery. It remained unclear when and what will be operated first, heart or hemangioma.
Update 17.05.2018
Angelina has several serious diagnoses, the worst of which are congenital heart disease.

Angelina requires a heart operation. Unfortunately Angelina gains weight too slowly with standard food. Doctors believe that the girl needs a special nutrition with extra high content of protein. And this costs extra money each month: US$ 150 (~ € 145 or ~ CHF 150).
Special thanks to Hanni from Switzerland who made the special nutrition possible.
Please visit this page to find out how you can donate!
Or just click on the “PayPal Donate” logo on the right column.
Thank you so much in advance!