20 years Les Amis de Svieta (Switzerland)

This is an archive page of Les Amis de Svieta from 2000-2021

In November 2020 we could not celebrated our 20th anniversary (due to Covid).

What we have achieved in the years 2011-2020 is amazing:

  • 73 children were treated and operated.
  • 10 children received special nutrition.
  • More than 200 children and 200 caregivers were vaccinated against influenza annually.
  • We implemented projects in 6 different orphanages.
  • 2 Orphanages receive money on a monthly basis for medicines and laboratory examinations.
  • 2 Orphanages receive regular disinfectant fluid and diapers.
  • We have renovated 6 small kitchens in the groups in the orphanage for small children in Nikolaiev (NBH).
  • In NBH we have built special workrooms for art therapy, for ABA therapy, for Petö therapy and for physio therapy.
  • The two isolation rooms ‘soviet-style’ were rebuilt into 4 modern isolation rooms.
  • Thanks to donations we were able to open 12 places in the new “mother-baby” department.
  • In ZuBS we have completely remodeled and re-equipped bathrooms for the bedridden children.
  • We financed the training courses for the specialists in the following areas: Speech Therapy, Neurology, Physiotherapy, Art Therapy, Pető Therapy, ABA Therapy, Bobath Therapy and 2 training courses for top management for Olga Ivanovna.
  • We bought shoes, tableware, furniture and physiotherapy equipment.
  • We transported humanitarian aid from Switzerland to Ukraine.
  • We were also able to realize many small projects and they were just as important as the larger projects. Every euro or dollar you have donated is invaluable. We thank you very much for your help during all these years.


    It all began in the hot summer of 2000, when we met the girl named Svieta. Who would have thought we’d still be active in 10 years time? Probably not many, and certainly not us. In fact it is thanks to your great help and support in all of its forms in all those years, that we were able to assist those in need. Thank so much!

    We celebrated the 10 years anniversary with a typical ‘St-Martin’ meal on November 21st, 2010 in Saint-Brais (Jura, Switzerland).


    The association Les Amis de Svieta is looking for new people to join the board. The current board has done this job successfully and enthusiastically for 20 years. Now it is time for a change of generations, time for new ideas and new people who want to help the orphans in Ukraine.
    If you are interested and want to know more, please . Thank you very much!

    We would like to stay in touch with you.
    Please sign up for our Newsletter .

    Thanks to your kind and generous ongoing support we will continue for another 10 years and more! Please visit this page to find out how you can donate!

    Thank you so much in advance!