Egor needs to go to 2 hospitals in Kiev

This is an archive page of Les Amis de Svieta from 2000-2021

Egor was born in July of 2019 and in September he arrived at NBH. Egor has cleft lip and congenital heart disease, amongst other health issues.
The boy needs to be taken to Kiev to two hospital: KCC (Kiev’s Cardio Center) and Institute of oral and maxillofacial surgery for children. At KCC cardiologists need to decide, if they allow the narcosis and opeeration and if so, when.


Egor arrived at NBH in September 2019. In November he got ill and could therefore not travel to Kiev.
Then because of Corona quarantine his trip had to be canceled a few times. Now it is planned to bring him to Kiev for operation in September 2020.

We need to buy train tickets and pay a nurse to acompany him and stay with him at the hospital in Kiev.
Please consider a donation.

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Thank you so much in advance!