Sofia and Valentin travelled to Kiev

This is an archive page of Les Amis de Svieta from 2000-2021

Last week two children Sofia and Valentin travelled with their nurses and Viktoriya to Kiev’s Cardio Center (KCC). Sofia went there for a big check after her last operation (January 2019). For Valentin it was the first visit; the specialists in Kiev were supposed to examin the boy and confirm the diagnose, suspected by Nikolaiev’s doctors. Both children passed necessary tests.

Sofia & Valentin

The doctors were happy to confirm that Sofia is doing very well, her heart now works properly and her life is out of danger. For Valentin the news were also very good: though he has small errors in his heart but they do not prevent him from developing normally and having active life. The doctors say he does not need any operation at the moment. His next check is scheduled in a year.
In Kiev the children met with the family Will who came to Ukraine to visit biological family of their son Roderic, adopted in Kremenchug’s Baby House 16 years ago. In the evening Sofia and Valentin left back for Nikolaiev by night train, while Vika travelled further with Sylvie,
Reinhard and Roderic to Poltava region. During this one week trip they visited Kremenchug’s Baby House (KrBH). New chief doctor Nataliya heartedly welcomed the guests, showed them the orphanage and told about their achievements and needs. Unfortunately there are still a lot of children at KrBH and not enough money in the budget to cover all their needs. The Will Family was happy to help. They bought medicines for the children and building materials to repair the leaking roof.

Thank you so much, dear Sylvie, Reinhard and Roderic!!!

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