Sofia needs to go to Kiev Cardio Center
Update 16.4.2019
We are glad to announce that in January 2019 the girl was successfully operated at Kiev‘s Cardio Center. After the operation Sofia and her nurse had to stay a few weeks at the hospital and in February they were let home. At the moment the child is doing well, gets all necessary rehabilitation courses to recover from the operation.
We heartedly thank all our donators for having saved Sofia‘s life.
Her next visit to Kiev for control is planned in June 2019. To cover those costs we are grateful for all donations.

Sofia is 3 months old. She has Down Syndrome and Congenital Heart Disease.

Sofia needs to be taken to Kiev Cardio Center (KCC) for examination and consultation. Then we can plan her operation and we know what must be done to prepare the girl for the operation.
Please visit this page to find out how you can donate!
Or just click on the “PayPal Donate” logo on the right column.
Thank you so much in advance!