Diapers for Zurupinsk boarding school (ZuBS)
Also this year we were able to supply diapers and bottles of disinfecting liquid. These were kindly donated by our sponsor from Germany. You could do the same!

But honestly, this amount is a drop in the sea. They need many more because there are 200 children at this boarding school, where maybe 130 need to use diapers more or less on a daily base.
Everybody who can and is willing to help in this project, please donate money or simply sent diapers directly to the postal address of the school.

Please click on the addresses, then print out these two addresses and stick them on the post package – in both fonts / languages.

Please help!
Little drops build huge rivers. It will be very interesting and important for children. We hope for you participation.
Please visit this page to find out how you can donate!
Or just click on the “PayPal Donate” logo on the right column.
Thank you so much in advance!