Anti-Flu Vaccine for NBH & ZuBS & KrBH 2018
This is an archive page of Les Amis de Svieta from 2000-2021
We are pleased to announce on this Christmas day that the three orphanages: Nikolaev’s Baby House (NBH), Kremenchug’s Baby House (KrBH) and Zurupinsk’s Boarding School (ZuBS) have received flu and cold medicines.
Our American Friends of Svieta Inc. and OBS made this project possible again this year. The purchased amount completely covers the needs of the whole orphanages. This will prevent the epidemic of flu and protect the children from colds. What a great gift for Christmas!
All children and employees would like to thank the sponsors and wish you a Merry Christmas.
Nikolaev’s Baby House (NBH)

Kremenchug’s Baby House (KrBH)

Zurupinsk’s Boarding School (ZuBS)

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Thank you so much in advance!