Boarding school in Zurupinsk needs a new bathroom
Update 28.3.2019
The renovation work is progressing rapidly. A few Details are still missing…

Update 3.1.2019
The renovation work is progressing rapidly. But it will take another 2 months until everything is finished.

News: June 17th, 2018
Zurupinsk boarding school is located in a suburb of Kherson at the end of a dirt road. This orphanage is home to around 200 children aged 5 to 18, all of them are disabled.
Director Tatyana Grigorievna explained that the buildings are 50 years old and therefore in a respective condition.
Bathrooms for heavily disabled children and toilets require renovation, so they will be wheelchair accessible.

A cost estimate for the renovation of the first bathroom was made. The work will cost about CHF 6’000.- (6,000 US$).
We sincerely hope that your help will enable us to raise enough funds for this renovation.
It is important to know that people with disabilities in Ukraine are generally not accepted and are often hidden. Ukraine is not built for the disabled. There is nothing to facilitate the integration of disabled people and it is difficult to obtain special equipment for the disabled.
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