Sofia looks fantastic after Operation
Updated news May 30th, 2018
The facial surgical operation was so successfull, that we need to look at a picture from a year ago, to see the difference. Amazing!

Updated news May 17th, 2018
Sofia was successfully operated in facial surgery in Kiev and the wound has healed perfectly. You can not see cleft palate anymore. Her face is as if nothing had ever happened.
Heart operation is currently not required. Wait and see how Sofia develops in the comming month.
Sofia was in Kiev already three times. The first two times Sofia was too weak for operation. This time Sofia was operated and looks absolutely different. Of course, wounds have to heal completely first, but her lips already look very nice. We hope you will like the results too.

Sofia after the operation in Fall of 2017.

Links to previous articles about Sofia:
Link to first article about Sofia.
Link to second article about Sofia.
Special thanks to Hanni from Switzerland who made this operation possible.
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