Art Therapy update
Updated news 7.5.2017 regarding “Art Therapy” after second Art Therapies has graduated here!
Almost six months have passed since the launching of the new art therapy rehabilitation program. It has become the most favorite occupation for all children at NBH. The project has overcome all, even the most optimistic prognoses and expectations. Children just love it. And the results are also incredible: the most “difficult” and closed children reveal their inner world, gain trust toward grown-ups.
We have to admit that in spite of all wonderful experiences we have faced two huge problems.
The first one, is that working materials for art therapy such as paint, paper, plasticine etc. are beeing used up at the speed of light. We need sources to refill them on a regular basis in order children can keep having their lessons. This time LAdS Switzerland has been able to fund the purchase of new sets of paper and paint. This should be enough till the end of the year.
Art therapy has got a new wonderful present: kinetic sand. It is a wonderful material which will allow children with restricted abilities to improve their fine motor skills and develop imagination and fantasy. Children love it. And the good thing about it is that the sand is reusable.
The second big problem was that art therapy was not used all the time. In fact each art therapist can work for a max of 5 hours, while the art therapy room could be used from 8 till 19 o’clock, so half the day it was staying empty, since we only have one trained art therapist.
And even this problem has been solved due to the kindness and generosity of our sponsors and friends, leaders of Les Amis de Svieta USA, Inc. – Helen and Jim Smith. They kindly have agreed to pay the training course for the second art therapist in Kiev. The course will consist of 12 modules (once a month our specialist will have to go to Kiev for couple of days for lectures and practical lessons). In six months (app. in December) the second art therapist will already be allowed to work with children. Thank you Helen and Jim! Children are so happy.
Update 7.5.2017
The second art therapist Anna was able to start her training 12 months ago. We thank our American friends Helen and Jim Smith for this financial support.
We are pleased to announce that Anna has received her diplomas in April and has already begun her practical work.
With two trained art therapists, twice as many children can participate in art therapy lessons. The art therapy studio is now up to 12 hours a day in operation.

Children just love it.
Thanks a lot to Helen and Jim Smith.
Original article on art therapy and renovation of the room.
Everybody who is willing to help buying materials for art therapy, please make donations here… Even little amounts will allow art therapy keep working and helping children.