More shoes for Zurupinsk boarding school
At the end of 2016 ZuBS wrote us a letter with the request to help them again with shoes for children, which still remain one of the biggest problems for the boarding school.
And again without any further hesitations our friend and sponsor Hanni decided to help. She bought 50 pairs of shoes and we sent them to Zurupinnsk.
Children at ZuBS were more than happy to receive such a great present.
Thank you Hanni for your kindness, generosity, care and participation. Your contribution constantly has been helping Ukrainian children all these years!
Children at ZuBS wearing new shoes
Link to a previous article, where we also sent 50 pairs of shoes to ZuBS.
But more shoes are still needed both for summer and especially winter seasons.
Everybody who is willing to help buying shoes for ZuBS, please make donations here… Even small amounts will allow us to buy more shoes for those children.