Nikolaiev Baby House group kitchenette renovation
Updated news here!
We were able to secure finances for 1 more kitchenttes, that was finished recently. That leaves only 1 kitchenette to be renovated.
If you would like to help, please visit this page to find out how you can donate!
Or just click on the “PayPal Donate” logo in the right column.
For a few years now, LAdS has been working on renovating bathrooms and kitchenettes in groups. While all bathrooms have been done, there were five kitchenettes remaining
We are happy to let you know that thanks to kind support of a dear friend and sponsor one more kitchenette has been fully renewed (4 more to go).

Work started in the beginning of March and children had to be moved to another group from, which was three times smaller than their usual one. Of course, it wasn’t easy for them… but the result was worth the effort 😉

Everything had to be redone: walls, floor, ceiling, water and sewage plumbing, heating and electrical systems…
Update 18.6.2014
Exactly as we promised two more kitchenettes in two groups of Nikolajev’s Baby House have been completely renovated.
As always, when repairing, much attention was paid to safety and sanitary norms: that’s why both kitchenettes have been built from scratch. Everything: walls, floor, water, electrical and heating systems are new.
New furniture is comfortable and has enough space to keep children’s dishes properly and clean.
On behalf of children of the NBH we heartedly thank our sponsors for making this project possible! THANK YOU!!!
In 2015 LAdS continued the project that we started in 2012. We were able to secure financing for the repaire of one more kitchenette in the group.
The kitchenette remained unrepaired since Soviet Union times…
The kitchenette was rebuilt completely new including water, electrical and heating systems.
Considering the electrical system in this group already had serious problems couple of times (short circuits and smell of burning wires) it was decided to change it as well
Besides nice repair the kitchenette is now equipped with new, very practical and modern furniture
On the behalf of children and workers of this group we heartedly thank all sponsors for such a wonderful present.
Well done!!!
There is 1 kitchenette left to be repaired… Please help!
A budget of US$ 2,000 (or € 1’700 or CHF 2’000.-) per kitchenette is foreseen.
Original story was posted here.
Please visit this page to find out how you can donate!
Or just click on the “PayPal Donate” logo in the right column.