Artem goes to Kharkov
Updated news here!
Vika travelled by train to Kharkov, with Artem and a nurse. Artem needs his orthopedic problems to be examined at the specialized hospital in Khrarkov.
Unfortunately Artem got sick on the train, fever and diarrhea. They were afraid the hospital wouldn’t take pure little Artem because he was sick.
Situation in Kharkov was normal, quiet, unusually clean and wonderful Spring weather. No sign of revolution…
Vika is now back in Nikolaiev, while Artem waits for examinations in hospital (xray, MRT, KATE).
Les Amis de Svieta continues to help handicaped orphans in these difficult times. Everything is more expensive now.
Update June 2014
After a week of thorough examinations and survey the doctors at Kharkov’s orthopedic center decided to operate Artem in spite of low weight. They knew this would be his last chance. Later the joints would get harder and become practically not operable. The first operation (right hand) was done on the 2nd of June. Considering the boy survived it well, the second OP (left hand) will be done right away, in the middle of June. All this time the boy stays in Kharkov with his nurse. Special “thank you!” we pass to our friends and partners Galya and Vlada, who organize and make child’s stay in their city comfortable. Thank You!

Update middle of June 2014
Artem’s treatment goes on according to plan and this week the boy has been operated for the second time (left hand)
Of course, it is a challenge for the boy and his nurse to have both hands in plaster but they are doing their best to manage such a challenge in hot Ukrainian summer weather and hope to be able to travel back home soon.
Update middle of November 2014
According to the treatment plan, Artem and his nurse went to Kharkov for the boy’s second operation. The same week both of his hands were operated.

Artem has grown up tremendously! He is a wonderful boy, eager to discover the world around him. Special walking equipment has been ordered and was custom made. Supposedly with the help of it the boy will be able to learn walking.

Update January 2015
Artem came back home, after his last trip to Kharkov right before the winter holidays: as all other children he took part in New Year concerts and got his presents.

Following the doctor’s prescriptions Artem “wears” his new orthopedic equipment, which was custom made in Kharkov’s clinic.

Besides, the boy gets the full complex of physiotherapy: massages, hydro massage and physiotherapy.
His next tip to Kharkov for the fourth operation is planned for the beginning of March.
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