Ukrainian Turmoil, update one year after
On November 30th all Ukrainians have commemorated the events which led to the dramatic changes in the life of the country and its people.

Those events (some people call it revolution, others call it putsch) have forever changed Ukraine and Ukrainian people, their views, attitudes and aims; they have had to deal with territorial, political and economic modifications, which not always lead to a better life.
Nikolaiev Baby House (NBH), as well as all other orphanages of Ukraine, also have to deal with unbelievable difficulties. For example, NBH is a permanent home for 110 children at the moment, plus about 50 children with different kinds of disabilities come to special groups of day-care. Good point is that the number of children arriving to the orphanage has not increased BUT the number of adoptions has reduced. In 2014 only 3 children were adopted internationally. National adoptions are still numerous (37 in 2014) but Ukrainians can’t “afford” adopting children with special needs, as medical insurance doesn’t exist in Ukraine.
NBH budget covers only three articles of the day-to-day expenses: food for children, salary for workers and public services (with very strict limits for energy usage). The government gives very little money for medics and prices at drug stores have increased dramatically. All orphanages depend on sponsors to buy medics for children.
Ukrainian government cannot pay for: means of hygiene, clothes, shoes, toys, medical help for children, repairs and different rehabilitation programs. All this is only possible thanks to the kindness and help of sponsors. And even here the deterioration can be noticed: thus the number of local (Ukrainian) sponsors has dramatically decreased. Considering terrible inflation, the financial possibilities of Ukrainian middle class has considerably worsen and they cannot help any more. Orphanages and children depend on sponsors from abroad.

To summarize:
- Ukrainian orphans have enough to eat
- but not enough money for medics and for desperately needed operations
- and no money for diapers, clothes, shoes etc.
The good news is, as incredible as it may sound, trips to hospitals and operations of kids are possible as always, with the help of money anything is possible. Money…
Ukrainian orphans need you as never before, we will be glad and thankful for any help!!!
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