New therapy room project for NBH has started
Updated news here!
At the moment there are 135 children at NBH; 90% of them have affection of central nervous system, or musculoskeletal system, or hearing and sight, or inborn and hereditary disabilities of different levels; 40% of those children suffer additionally from cerebral palsy.
Physical rehabilitation is one of the most important links in the chain of children’s complex treatment. The doctors of the baby house always try to inculcate new latest methods of cure. So the orphanage has recently gotten equipment, which is known as ADELI suit and is widely used to help children with cerebral palsy all over the world.
To be able to use this new equipment the orphanage needs new physiotherapy room. The old one was built long ago, does not have enough space and necessary facilities and can’t serve the average daily number of patients. It was decided to rebuild one of the verandas into the new room of rehabilitation. These well known verandas (all orphanages all over post soviet countries have them) were foreseen as alternative to outdoor playgrounds in winter time. That’s why they were built without heating and with huge windows all around which make them look like a fish tank. Considering this veranda will be used as a physiotherapy room all year round, it will have to be insolated properly; heating and electrical systems will have to be built.
This project will cost approximately $10,000. The whole room/veranda will have to be reconstructed and special training tracks will have to be constructed.
The realization of this project will:
- improve the level of help given to children with restricted abilities
- create the full complex of medico-social rehabilitation for the children with restricted abilities
- achieve considerable results without medics treatment of the children
This will be one of the most important medical projects for the whole history of LAdS and will allow NBH to be the first medical institute in the region using the advanced ADELI method.
Update November 2013
We are happy to let you know that this project of a new therapy room has been started!
Thanks to an anonymous American sponsor renovation of the future therapy room for children with cerebral palsy has been started!

With the help of the money of the kind and generose sponsor new walls have been partly built, new windows and three doors have been installed.

We are happy to inform you that new therapy room is being repaired at full speed and all inside room work has been finished.
First of all, new proper isolation inside old veranda has been built, together with new electrical, heating and water systems.
The big attention was paid to the floor. Considering it will have to hold heavy loads special basement has been created and extra durable commercial linoleum has been bought
The designers tried their best to make the room sunny and warm even in spite of northern location of the windows
Special mirror wall will allow children watch themselves during lessons.
Thank you very much dear sponsors! Your help is much appreciated!
We will continue this project and we all hope children will be able to come here very soon to get professional help and treatment.
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