Vadim’s story
Vadim was refused by his mother right after birth because of his disease: cleft palate and cleft upper lip.
Thus he was taken to NBH and and Les Amis de Svieta decided to help him and organize needed operations.
Lacking sucking and swallowing instincts completely the child had to be fed with the help of a tube. Considering it is a rather tough job, first task of doctors was to create a special plastic cover so Vadim could eat from a bottle teat. That was done at institute of maxillofacial pathology in Kiev.

As soon as the boy turned 6 months he travelled to Kiev again for the first surgery, the aim of which was to cover partly his upper palate.

Unfortunately pre-operation period lasted longer than we all expected but still, at the end of May the boy was successfully operated and 10 days later he came back home to NBH practically with a new face.
Olga Ivanovna and all other doctors are more than pleased with the result.
The child is recovering after strong anesthesia, learns to eat and drink properly, and of course, smile 😉

What has been done will allow the boy to develop normally. And get ready for the next steps of treatment.
The next big operation is planned when the boy will be 18 months old.
To be continued….
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