Nikolaiev Baby House laundry renovation
Update from March 26th, 2013
Repair of main laundry room of NBH is now terminated. It is not only clean and nice but also meets all sanitary requirements. The laundry is now fit to handle daily load of lining and children clothes.

Water supply and sewage systems have been completely replaced. This avoid high humidity in the room as it was with previous leaking one.

We heartedly thank everybody who donated money to this project. THANK YOU!
There are still some repairs to be done in other rooms of the laundry, like replace some windows and floors, for example.

Please visit this page to find out how you can donate!
Or just click on the “PayPal Donate” logo in the right column.
Update from February 7th, 2013
The laundry was out of operation for 4 months (October – January) and now it is in service again. During this time NBH has been using laundry room of nearby hospital across the street as well as small washing machines in each group.
The total price of the project was $12.000 and only due to joint efforts and financial support of local sponsors and LAdS Inc. the orphanage managed to launch the undertaking.

New modern electrical equipment has been bought.

Millions of thanks to everybody, who took part in this project. Children at NBH have a working laundry that saves energy and washes clothes clean and faster than before, while saving money due to lower energy bills.
February 21st, 2012
Nikolaiev Baby House (NBH) laundry washing machines are running with hot water produced in separate gas boilers.

Because gas prices sky-rocketed, mostly due to political crisis in Russia, and also because Ukrainian state reduced gas budget for orphanages, Director Olga Ivanovna has to initiate immediately a new project to replace outdated gas heated washing machines with modern electrical washing machines that are able to produce hot water without the use of gas and thus save a lot of money.

The whole project budget is US$ 12,000 (€ 9’500 or CHF 11’400.-).
Director Olga Ivanovna and children are pleased with any donation which will help reduce laundry running costs.
Please visit this page to find out how you can donate!
Or just click on the “PayPal Donate” logo in the right column.