Alla needs heart surgery, please help
Update from April 3rd
Alla travelled to Children’s Cardio Center in Kiev and was successfully operated in the beginning of March.
Post operation period ran more or less smoothly for about a month and Alla came back home, to NBH.
At the moment she’s doing great, her life is out of danger and we heartedly thank our American friends and sponsors Helen and Jim, who paid for the operation and helped to safe her life. A BIG THANK YOU!!!
Original post
Alla Sergeyevna is only 4 months old, but already knows how difficult life can be. She was born with a serious heart disease and her mother left her at maternity hospital. Alla now lives at NBH.

Thanks to Svieta Inc. funds, a trip to Kiev Children’s Cardio Center (KCC) was organized almost immediately after her arrival in the orphanage. Thorough examination and consultation by best specialists available in Ukraine were conducted.

Conclusion is that Alla MUST be operated. The date of her hospitalization and operation is scheduled for late winter 2013. As the operation will be very serious, Alla will have to stay in Kiev for several weeks. Although we are not paying for the operation itself, we need funds for trip to Kiev, for medicaments and for accommodation while Alla will stay at KCC.
Please visit this page to find out how you can donate! Or just click on the “PayPal Donate” logo in the right column to help save life of this little angel…