Renovation projects in Nikolaiev Baby House

This is an archive page of Les Amis de Svieta from 2000-2021

There are 13 groups of about 10 children between 0 and 4 years old in Nikolaiev Baby House (NBH). As new project for 2012, Director Olga Ivanovna would like to refurbish the remaining 6 kitchenettes (which were not made at the same time as bathrooms) as well as replace floors in sleeping and living rooms of each group.

As for previous ones, a budget of US$ 1,300 (or € 1’000 or CHF 1’200.-) per kitchenette is foreseen.
The whole kitchenette project budget being CHF 7’200.- (or € 6’000 or US$ 7’800)


Group’s floors
Floors in sleeping and living rooms of each group are pretty old and in a bad state. They must be replaced now. We have requested offers and have the choice between many different types of material to replace them. Choices are: linoleum, laminate, wooden parquet or stone tiles. But the prices are also accordingly different! From the cheapest US$ 6,000 (or € 4’800 or CHF 5’700.-) up to US$ 22,000 (or € 17’500 or CHF 21’000.-) per group.
The whole group’s floors project budget being from US$ 78,000 (or € 62’400 or CHF 74’100.-) up to US$ 286,000 (or € 227’500 or CHF 273’000.-)

Group's floor

Director Olga Ivanovna and children are pleased with any donation which will help improve their living conditions.

Please visit this page to find out how you can donate!
Or just click on the “PayPal Donate” logo in the right column.