Flu vaccine for NBH
December 6th 2008 update
Winter season is not far. Chief doctor Olga of Nikolaiev Baby House (NBH) has asked to help them pay for flu vaccine this year again. At the moment there are 153 children at the orphanage who need to be vaccinated. Each dose costs 52 hrv. Injection has to be done twice with two weeks interval in between.
Total amount is 15,900hrv or US$ 2,650 (~ € 1’800 or ~ CHF 2’300).
Any help will be appreciated by Olga and the children.
Find out how you can make your donations here and if you live in the United States here!
or just click on the “PayPal Donate” button in the right column of this page!
December 6th 2008 update
Thanks to a generous donation from LAdS USA and from a local Ukrainian sponsor, the anti flue vaccines needed for 2008 have been purchased.
Chief doctor Olga and the kids from Nikolaiev Baby House (NBH) are very grateful.