Recent Posts

  1. News from Nikolaiev 2025

    Much is new in Nikolaiev.
    The new director of the Nikolaiev Baby House (NBH) is Iryna Timofiychuk, replacing Nataliya Grigorenko.

    The NBH is now part of the Nikolaiev hospital. This is positive, as the hospital now has to provide an ambulance and a doctor if a child needs to be transported.

    The access path to the NBH has been rebuilt. See the project here.


  2. Yuriy needs our help

    Yuriy was brought to safety in Chernovtsy in 2022. There we supported Yuiry for the first time.


  3. Oxmadet children’s hospital in Kiev damaged

    The children’s hospital in Kiev was damaged by a missile.

    This deadly tragedy occurred on 8.7.2024. At the moment there were no children from Nikolaiev in Oxmadet Hospital

    In the past, Oxmadet Children’s Hospital has treated almost all the children we sent to Kiev for treatment.

    It is sad that the war is causing such damage in residential areas.
    But isn’t it finally time for peace?

  4. Footpath project completed in Nikolaiev

    In these times of war, the Nikolaiev Children’s Orphanage (NBH) operates mainly as a rehabilitation center and kindergarten for disabled children. Parents take their disabled children to therapy sessions or kindergarten and use the new entrance and the new footpath. The obstacle course for wheelchairs or baby carriages is a thing of the past.

    The footpath has been completed. The management and visitors are very pleased with the work.


  5. Next project in Nikolaiev

    May 30th, 2024
    The new project has started.

    “Labor shortages have become one of the main problems for businesses experiencing hiring difficulties, and the search for work is taking more and more effort from managers,” Bloomberg reports.

    Because of the new law we were not sure any more we would have enough employees, that‘s why we had to wait a bit. Now the construction firm has enough workers who can do the job because they have finished another project.
    The first payment has been transferred to Ukraine successfully.
    Already this week we will start with buying materials and do preparatory works.

    Thanks you so much for your help. Your donations are appreciated and needed!


  6. Trip to Nikolaiev in March 2024

    Vika traveled on March 22nd to Nikolaiev. It was her first trip home after almost 2,5 years. As there are no flights to Ukraine directly, Vika had to travel through Moldova (Chisinau). Then she had to take a bus from Chisenau through Odessa to Nikolaiev. The buses are departing almost every hour, that’s why you never have to wait too long.


  7. General Assembly May 18th 2024

    The general assembly took place on May 18th, 2024 at Urig Stube in Steffisburg (BE/Switzerland).

    The annual report can be read here (German) or here (French).

    For health reasons Vika was present via Zoom at the General Assembly.

    The minutes can be read here (German).

    Become a member of the Friends of Svieta Association and take part in the next general assembly.

    Click here for the registration form.


  8. Board meeting

    On January 7, the Friends of Svieta Board of Directors met with our colleagues from Svieta USA via Zoom meeting.


  9. We wish you a peaceful new year!!!!

    We heartily thank our donators and friends for their continuous support in 2023 and hope it will continue in 2024!
    2023 was a difficult year for Ukraine, for the orphans and for the Friends of Svieta. Thank you for continuing to support the orphans in war-torn Ukraine.
    Take it easy and relax during holidays in order to start 2024 full of spirit and energy.


  10. Report by Nataliya Grigorenko

    This Report was written by the Director of NBH, Nataliya Grigorenko:

    I heartily thank you for all your help during the last 23 years supporting „Nikolaiev´s Baby House“ (NBH).

    Thanks to the financial support in 2023 two children were sent to Kiev for consultation and treatment.

    Maxim, was in Kiev´s children´s hospital „OXMADIT“ from 06.03.2023 till 22.03.2023.

    Ivanka, from 11.09.23 till 19.09.23 was at Kiev´s children´s cardio center for examination. On 9.10.23 the girl was operated on (the first step of operational treatment to improve her complicated heart disease). Unfortunately the girl could not recover, on the 27.10.23 the heart stopped, doctors could not help any more and the child died.

    Due to our donation expensive medicines for Yuriy were bought. more