Who is City of Goodness and what does City of Goodness do?
In Chernovtsy there is a large charity association called “City of Goodness”. The main goal of this association is to protect women with children who are in difficult life situations. The reasons can be different: domestic violence, loss of job or home, physiological or physical problems…. Women can come there and ask for help. They can get a bed, food, psychological, financial or legal help and support there.

The “City of Goodness” has money. You can see that right away. They have a huge compound and three new buildings. Women with children live in two of these buildings. The third one was given to NBH.
It is interesting to know that the Ukrainian government (as always) puts all the costs on the shoulders of private sponsors and donors, because “City of Goodness” is completely financed by donations.
The NBH is housed in a building consisting of two floors. On the second floor there is a large room, a small kitchen and two small rooms. The second floor consists of two medium sized rooms and one small room. The large and medium sized rooms are given to children. Everything is in perfect condition, freshly renovated with very expensive materials, new furniture, expensive appliances and toys. The large room accommodates the older children (2-4 years old). The medium sized rooms have been divided between young children (0-2 years old) and palliative children. The rooms were divided into zones: Sleeping, Play and Dining area.