Trip to Chernovtsy
Updated news 27.8.2022
Vika went back with this bus and arrived today at 05:00 tired but well in Germany.
The journey was adventurous and led via Romania, Slovakia, Austria to Germany. The bus was loaded with cargo and passengers. At the border from Ukraine to Romania they lost 8 hours because something was wrong with the papers of the cargo.
There is a lot of news to report. We will collect, process and publish the data.
In summary, we can say that it is much better and more positive for the children than we had assumed.
Updated news 24.8.2022
Vika spent the first night in Chernovtsy in this hotel. It is quiet, everything is normal, nothing points to the war in the east of Ukraine.
Today Vika is visiting the orphanage NBH. We are eager to see the report of the visit.
Updated news 23.8.2022
Last Sunday, during a Zoom conference with Vika and with Svieta Inc. (USA), Friends of Svieta decided that a trip to Chernovtsy is safe and necessary.
Vika has already left for Chernovtsy on Monday 22 August aboard a direct bus.
The baby house for orphans, as it was reported, has been moved from Nikolaiev to Chernovtsy in safety. It is about time and currently also safe for Vika to visit the exile NBH personally and see how the children are doing there.
Vika will visit the director Nataliya Grigorenko. We are looking forward to the report.

On the pictures you can see the border from Poland to Ukraine. Everything is quiet. On the sign it says in Ukrainian: Welcome to Ukraine. Then the checkpoints, silent witnesses of the war.
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