The Association in the USA
How was Les Amis de Svieta USA, Inc. born ?
Address and bank details of Les Amis de Svieta USA!
The Smith family decided to establish the American branch of “Les Amis de Svieta” in year 2002.
Living in Georgia, Helen and Jim had already adopted Sarah Ann in summer 2001 from Nikolaiev baby house. During that first ukrainian experience, they realized all problems encountered by baby house director to manage her orphanage.

That’s why, even before considering a second adoption, they decided to do something to help and support her efforts. They got in contact with Les Amis de Svieta (Swiss) through the Nikolaiev district adopting families discussion group. At the end of spring 2002, they started gathering money to support the central heating and hot water supply project for Nikolaiev baby house. A tremendous challenging project with an estimated cost of about U$ 40,000 to be finished before cold winter weather arrives!

During their second trip to Ukraine to adopt Zachary from the same baby house in Nikolaiev in summer of 2002, their usual translator wasn’t available. The orphanage director proposed them to hire Vika to do that job. Simultaneously with their adoption procedure, Helen and Jim accompanied Vika in all of her association trips and visits. That’s how they discovered all LAdS activities on site.

They travelled across whole Nikolaiev district, visited all orphanages and met children supported by LAdS.

After having experienced these numerous trips, they decided to buy a car for Vika to use for all LAdS trips she does. This way, donators money can be used to help more children instead of paying for taxi and other transportation means.

The central heating and hot water supply> project for Nikolaiev baby house was succesfully terminated and started to run by by the end of October 2002.

It is the largest project LAdS took part in, so far. We are very proud of Helen and Jim. All the time and efforts they have invested in this project really paid back.
- “Les Amis de Svieta USA, Inc.” is a fully separate entity: legally and financially. It is placed under Helen and Jim Smith’s responsibility, who have full power to manage and organize association activities on the North American territory.
- “Les Amis de Svieta USA, Inc.” works together with the “Friends of Svieta (Swiss)” (and vice versa) to organize main association activities in Ukraine: deciding which child we will support, which projects to realize for orphanages.
For more information, please do not hesitate to contact Helen and Jim at !