Olga Ivanovna is scheduled for radiation therapy in Kiev
Updated news January 23rd, 2016 Olga Ivanovna is doing fine and coping well with radiation therapy!
January 14th, 2016 Olga Ivanovna has started with radiation therapy!
January 11th, Olga Ivanovna has arrived in Kiev and is awaiting radiation therapy.
In the beginning of 2016 Olga Ivanovna will continue cancer treatment.
Radiation therapy is the next step. Radiotherapy is synergistic with chemotherapy and is applied after chemotherapy to kill any remaining and potentially affected draining lymph nodes.

Today, on January 10th Olga Ivanovna will be leaving for Kiev to have radiotherapy treatment. The treatment itself will take place at oncological center in Kiev while Ivanovna Olga will be staying at a nearby health resort. There Olga Ivanovna will be getting the full set of rehabilitation treatments such as massages, lymphatic drainage, swimming and aqua gymnastic and physiotherapy. This will help her to regain strength after operation, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. This phase of treatment will last approximately 25 days. Then at the end of February Olga Ivanovna will have to go to Kiev for her first check up. Depending on the results of all undertaken treatments and measures her doctors will decide about next steps.
Due to your help and donations we have enough money to ensure Olga’s stay in Kiev in January. Thank you so much! We do appreciate!
Update January 14th, 2016
Olga Ivanovna started radiation therapy course and got two sessions already. She feels ok after the radiation therapy, in any case much better than after chemo therapy. Though she already has burns on the skin but otherwise she feels ok.
Update January 23rd, 2016
Olga Ivanovna is doing ok, radiation is not to compare with chemo. She has skin burns in underarm area but otherwise she feels more or less ok.
Olga Ivanovna is also very happy with her physio therapy rehabilitation lessons. Unfortunately she had gotten only 10 free lessons. She needs to take more physio therapy rehabilitation lessens and she will have to pay for each!
But we will still need money for further therapies like hormone therapy and regular trips to Kiev for checks up which will take place every three months. PLEASE HELP!
Donations for Olga Ivanovna:
If you would like to donate, please contact directly, so she can send you instructions on how and where to send money.
Here you can read about chemotherapy in December 2015.
Here you can read about the operation in November 2015.
And here you can read how it all began at the beginning of October 2015.