Olga Ivanovna, Director at NBH, operation in Kiev
Updated news November 22nd, 2015 Olga is at home, recovering. Next chemo therapy scheduled for November 27th.
A big THANK YOU to all of you who have donated money to make this cancer treatment possible!!!!
Olga Ivanovna is taking the Sunday night train to Kiev, together with her daughter Sasha.
Operation is expected to take place on Wednesday or Thursday. As is common in Ukraine, patient is forced to pay cash. As you might remember, there is not medical insurance in Ukraine. You get the treatment you can afford… that’s why we ask each and everyone to done a few bucks, so Olga Ivanovna can get the best treatment available in Ukraine. Thanks for your donation!

Update October 28th, 2015
Olga was operated today. Her daughter Sasha is with her in her room at the hospital.
Update October 30th, 2015
Olga’s birthday is today. As you can see, she walks around and feels better after the operation last Wednesday.
Olga was taken by surprise, when those roses arrived. Thank you Vika for ordering the roses!
Update November 5th, 2015
Olga has received the test results, from tests done recently. The results are not very good, in fact it was decided that Olga will have to do 3 more chemo therapy sessions, starting this Friday. Tuesday she will be examined again.
Update November 13th, 2015
Olga has received the fourth chemo therapy in the hospital of Kiev. Tests performed by doctors were extremely positive, bone metastases were NOT found!
Olga feels well enough to travel home to Nikolaiev, they have bought tickets for the 9:30 p.m. night train tonight.
2 more chemo therapies are scheduled and after that hormone therapy for 5 years, at an incredible cost!
Update November 22nd, 2015
Olga is currently at home in Nikolaiev, trying to recover.
Next and fifth chemo therapy is scheduled for end of November. Olga will have to travel to Kiev again, 26th – 28th of November. It is expected that doctors will advice whether radiation therapy is needed or not and what it will cost.
A big THANK YOU to all of you who have donated money to make this cancer treatment possible! Without your help we wouldn’t be able to report about chemo therapies nor about possible radiation therapy, simply because Olga couldn’t afford it.

Needless to say, we urgently need more donations to enable Olga to continue the best treatment for her particular situation. Please help!
Donations for Olga Ivanovna:
If you would like to donate, please contact directly, so she can send you instructions on how and where to send money.
Here you can read how it all began at the beginning of October 2015.