URGENT: Olga Ivanovna, Director of NBH, sick, breast cancer!
Updated news October 1st, 2015 Olga was in Kiev and is back home, tumor size reduced!
Olga Ivanovna, Director of the Nikolaiev Baby House (NBH), has developed cancer and requires urgent treatment. Unfortunately in Ukraine, patients have to pay everything themselves. Public health insurance does not exist and Olga will receive only the treatment she can pay for. If she cannot pay for required medication (chemo therapy), she will not get it. We need donations!
Olga is on they way to Kiev by the famous night train, to a specialized clinic for further analysis. In a few days we will know whether treatment is possible in Ukraine, or if Olga has to travel abroad for proper treatment.
Les Amis de Svieta would like to find all families that have adopted a child from NBH in the last 30 years. If you have adopted a child or if you know a family that has adopted a child from Nikolaiev, please notify all. As soon as we have a clearer picture of how much money is required to treat Olga, we will publish the plan, the cost and banking details for donations.
Please include Olga in your prayer!
Update August 21st, 2015
Today Olga has had first session of chemo therapy (still in Kiev). She will come back to Nikolaiev for two weeks, then she will have the next chemo therapy and then doctors will see if the tumor and metastases have stopped growing. If positiv, she will be operated immediately; if not she will have a further two sessions of chemo therapy.
Update August 31st, 2015
Olga is scheduled for a second chemo therapy on September 11th in oncological center in Kiev.
- cost for train 1000 hrvs (45 US$) for 2 people, return trip
- cost for medics 3,000 – 5’000 hrvs (135 – 225 US$) depending on exact list of medics to be used
Donations received so far: 74 US$ (200 US$ missing for this chemo therapy session)
To donate, please request bank instructions by email from Vika: vika (at) svieta.org
Donations for Olga Ivanovna:
If you have adopted a child or if you know a family that has adopted a child from Nikolaiev, please contact directly, so she can send you instructions on how and where to send money.
Olga has to pay herself for each chemo therapy, as there is no public health insurance in Ukraine.
Update September 19th, 2015
Olga is back home after second chemo therapy. Her health state is worse now. It differs from day to day how she feels: some days are very difficult, others are not as bad. But she still uses every possible minute to go to work and she keeps taking care of children and of the orphanage.
The next trip to Kiev is scheduled for the 28th of September.
Doctors will check the results after the two chemo therapy sessions and if nothing extraordinary happens she will be operated right away. Olga’s next stay in Kiev will be longer. We estimate 10-14 days.
The approximate costs of the next phase of treatment are the following:
• cost for train 1000 hrvs (45 US$) for 2 people, return trip
• flat renting for her daughter Sasha 7000 hrv (~500hrv per night *14 nights = $300)
• cost of operation itself + medications for post operation period are estimated to be ~50.000 hrv ($2.000)
Donations received so far: $300 and €355 (missing $1,620)
Update September 23rd, 2015
Vika has handed over the collected donations to Sasha, Olga’s daughter. A total of $300 and €355 was given by Vika for the scheduled operation of Olga. Olga with her daughter Sasha will travel to Kiev on September 28th.

We will keep you informed about the situation in the cancer clinic in Kiev. One thing is for certain, there is still money missing to pay for the operation! Please help if you can and please spread the word!
Update October 1st, 2015
Olga has returned from hospital in Kiev to her home in Nikolaiev. Doctors were happy with the results of first two chemo therapy sessions (tumor size has reduced to 39%). Doctors are happy that tumor reacts positively to chosen treatment and thus they want to continue with two more chemo therapy sessions before the operation.
Donations for Olga Ivanovna:
If you would like to donate, please contact directly, so she can send you instructions on how and where to send money.