Zurupinsk boarding school
Do you remember Karina, who was born with Apert syndrome and who did quite a few trips and operations, at the time she lived at NBH?
When the girl grew up she was moved to special boarding school for disabled children, which is situated in a little town of Zurupinsk (Kherson’s region). This spring we went to visit her and thus got to know this orphanage (ZuBS), its wonderful inhabitants and very friendly director.
140 children from 4 till 18 years old are living here. The majority are the orphans or do not get any parental support. In spite of their difficult life, all the children at ZuBS are very friendly and open, very well brought up and taken care off.

Of course, at such a difficult time for Ukraine these children are probably the most unprotected and in need. The boarding school survives terrible lack of budget and can’t pay even for really important things.
When we found out, that children had not received dental treatment for more than six month, we didn’t hesitate a second.
LAdS paid for dental materials, anesthesia and expendable equipment.

The next big wish the administration had was portable toilets. At the moment they have got two but they definitely needed more as well as virtually unlimited number of diapers.

We are very happy that we got to know this orphanage and its children. We hope for long collaboration with them thanks to your kind support.