Bathroom refurbishment at ZGO

This is an archive page of Les Amis de Svieta from 2000-2021

LAdS France continues to support Zeleniy Gay Baby House (ZGO). This time, it’s about making a bathroom for hydrotherapy treatment.

[singlepic=935,250,200,,center]Work is going on well

In order to complete available therapies for seriously ill children, ZGO director wanted to have an hydrotherapy bathroom for salted water and mud bath. He asked us for help to refurbish an old kitchen into a modern bathroom. The president of LAdS France, Miss Sylvie Truchot, accepted to finance this project which fits perfectly in her strategy to help this orphanage where LAdS France already realized many projects.
Refurbishment work has started in December 2010 and shall be terminated by the end of January this year.
Here are some other projects from LAdS France for ZGO:
Gas burner project at Zeleniy Gay
Well water drilling project in Zeleniy Gay is completed

More pictures of this project here below: