Les Amis de Svieta is celebrating its 10th anniversary (sold out)
Come share with us the traditional, Jura style St. Martin meal – all home made
Sunday, November 21th 2010, at 11:00 am at the gymnastics hall in Saint-Brais (canton Jura, Switzerland).
Limited seating available, reservation required by . First-in, first-served 😉
Gelée de ménage & Salade
Boudin à la crème, Atriau & Garniture
Saucisse à rôtir & Rösti
Sorbet à la Damassine
Choucroute garnie
Crème brûlée
Price per person, drinks not included:
Adults Fr. 50.-, kids (6+) Fr. 24.-
For further information, please click ofs_pt('050050046098112115065117118106103116098048111115105')?subject=Question regarding Les Amis de Svieta St-Martin dinner">here
Please click ofs_pt('050050046098112115065117118106103116098048111115105')?subject=Registration for St-Martin dinner on November 11th, 2010&Body=Number of adult(s)%20=%20%0ANumber of child(ren)%20=%20%0A%0AName and address of sender:%20%0A%0A%0AYou will receive confirmation of your booking by email.%0A%0A">here for your reservation.
All proceeds will be used for the association’s projects.
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