Playground in Makiivka
It was 5 years ago when we visited for the first time AIDS/HIV orphanage in Makiivka, in the name of APAEU (Association des Parents Adoptants d’Enfants Ukrainiens) and in the name of LAdS France. Back then we discussed with the management the possibility to set up and pay for an outdoor playground. Mid August of 2009 we contacted the management again and we started this project. Mid October we were able to open not just one, but two playgrounds for the Makiivka children.

APAEU and Air France Foundation acted as decision makers and were able to raise the money needed to realize this great project. LAdS France together with LAdS Ukraine were responsible for the project management.

Even as the project was completed in less than 3 months, it has not been as easy as it seems! Vika does not count time spent on the phone. She went several times on site, had to insist that it be done the way we wanted and to had to insure our procedures and our working methods were followed by all actors involved in this project. At the end, seeing those pictures, makes you forget how difficult it was.

And even if we did not get the same media coverage as Sir Elton John, who was in Makiivka 3 days before us, we can claim to have achieve a great project that will for sure please the children.
A big thank you to APAEU, especially to Anne Brachet, and to the Air France Foundation for enabling us to make this beautiful project.