News of Nataliya and Ilona

This is an archive page of Les Amis de Svieta from 2000-2021

Updated news as of June 30th, 2008 can be read here.
On November 4th, once financing was secured, we took Ilona and Nataliya by car to the orthopedics in Evpatoriya (Crimea).

This long trip went well and the two girls were warmly received by hospital staff.

Ilona & Nataliya after arrival in Evpatoriya

After the usual formalities were done they gathered at a table and enjoyed a nice meal. Afterwards Vika and the nurses departed and left the two children on “holiday” for several weeks.

Nataliya & Ilona at the table

On November 20th Vika learned by telephone that exams revealed that Nataliya suffered from a lung tumor! The hospital had no experts in this field that could perform the operation and it was decided that Nataliya should go back to Nikolaiev. Vika organised her return at 30 November.

Nataliya on here way back

Director Olga Ivanova was a little sceptical about this diagnosis (it appears, in fact, surprising that this tumor was not discovered sooner because Nataliya was at least twice per year full checked by docters and that for the past 4 years!). She promised that all necessary tests be carried out in the regional children’s hospital in Nikolaiev as soon as possible and that she would inform us about next steps.

Nevertheless, Nataliya didn’t loose her pretty smile and zest for life!

Updated news as of May 27th 2008.
Ilona’s operation was accomplished as intended and she was allowed to return to Nikolaiev to celebrate Christmas.

Ilona on the way to Evpatoriya

At the beginning of February 2008 she returned to Evpatoriya in order to remove the plaster and to continue her rehablitation.

In March she returned to the orphanage and can now even stand up alone!

During our visit in April we could see how she could walk with the help of a going assistance.

Even if these progress seems slow, we should not forget that Ilona was never able to use her legs during the first 6 years of life! It will last long and it will be difficult, but her smile guarantees that she will succeed 😉 .
And Nataliya’s diagnosis was confirmed by the regional pediatric hospital in Nikolaiev. During our visit director Olga Ivanovna organized the details of the operation. Since then we wait news. It seems that the operation has not been performed yet.
Updated news as of June 30th, 2008.
Once again, fate was knicking at the door of NBH in Nikolaiev. We were delighted to learn that Nataliya has found a family. In mid-July she will leave Ukraine for America to live with her two brothers.

Her smile says it all. What a joy!