Irina and Vitaly
Updated news here!
Last week director Olga Ivanova of Nikolaiev Baby House sent us 2 new cases. Irina (13 months) and Vitaly (7 months) both have a cleft palate problem.

The case of Irina is relatively “simple” and one surgery only should solve the problem permanently. In the case of Vitaly, things are more complex because it is currently impossible to feed him other than through his nose with a probe. A specific custom made apparatus is required so that Vitaly can be fed sufficiently (and without pain!).
After contacting various LAdS sections and partner organization OBS, funding for the trip to Kiev for consultation at the center of maxillofacial surgery was secured. Vika left yesterday (Sunday, December 2nd) to Kiev, together with 2 children and their nurses.
As expected, diagnostics were confirmed this morning by specialists from the center of maxillofacial surgery and the 2 children (and their nurses) will remain there approximately 2 weeks.
Update Dezember 10th, 2007
Here are a few new pictures of Irina and Vitaly from Kiev. Trip lasted nearly 7 hours and everything went well, despite snowfall in the region of Kiev.

Vitaly is being fed like that since his birth. The tube through his nose brings food into his stomach, because he lacks a natural swallowing reflex. This method is very painful and restricts his diet.

The return of Irina and Vitaly to Nikolaiev is scheduled for Dezember 12th. Prerequisite is that the new custom made apparatus will be ready for Vitaly.