Gas burner project at Zeleniy Gay
Updated news here!
Last year, we carried out a project to supply well water to the specialized orphanage of Zeleniy Gay (Kharkov region). We made a control visit last April and can state that everything functions in the best way and thanks to this project, the orphanage could save half of operating expenses for fresh water supply.
This brought orphanage director another idea: consider a similar operation for its two ancient gas-burners (one of which doesn’t even run anymore).

He found the funding to replace one of the burners and thanks to Les Amis de Svieta (LAdS) France, a second burner was bought right away during our April visit. LAdS Switzerland will purchase flow meters and an automatic regulator, essential for correct operation of the units and also pay for the whole installation and setup. All should be installed during this summer. The aim is to allow a reduction of two thirds of operating expenses for gas supply (used as well for heating of hot water).
Update November 30th, 2007
The installation of flow meters and of the automatic regulator as well as the complete redesign of the gas distribution system for all buildings was carried out successfully during summer. You can see images here.