The Kherson Baby House windows replacement project is finished!
The 2nd and 3rd phase of this long-term project are finished to everybody’s satisfaction. The results are very impressive 🙂

We realized this first large project in Kherson in three phases, as we worked for the first time with a new building company. Thus the policy of “small steps” was essential. You can find previous articles about this project here, here and here. There is also an album with pictures from the various stages here.
The third phase was the most difficult as we not only had to replace windows, but also reduced the size of some of them to half.

Once more, the incredible Ukrainian administration surprised us. They forced us to rebuild the wall with 3 layers of bricks, even so we had preferred to use a more modern, efficient and economic insulation instead.
There remain some less urgent windows to be exchanged, in particular in the director’s office and in the kitchen. All windows in rooms were children live were exchanged which resulted in considerably reduced heating costs last winter.
Director Svetlana Petrovna is very happy with the way the project proceeded and thanks all actors, and in particular Mick and Bernie for organizing project fundraising and Vika for managing it.
She hopes that we will continue to support her Baby House and has already presented us a new project to realize a Montessori playgroup; similar to the one we realized 2006 in Nikolaiev. Don’t hesitate to us, if you are interested to help with this coming project!