Steering committee meeting of March 17, 2007
The LAdS Switzerland committee was pleased to welcome two new members at the ordinary meeting of March 17, 2007.
Christophe Hürlimann (whom we met in Saignelégier at a conference in January) has shown great interest to join the committee and replace Martine Chavaillaz, who announced her resignation at the last general assembly. Since January we are in email contact and now, after the committee meeting, he and his wife are official members of the Swiss committee, which comprises of 6 members.

sitted between Véronique Erard (President) and Martine Chavaillaz (outgoing)
Francoise and Christophe are the happy parents of Andrei (adopted in Romania) and of Sergey (adopted in Ukraine) and they live in Epauvillers in Clos du Doubs, Switzerland.
We welcome our two new members and we are delighted to collaborate with them to continue to carry out many projects for Ukrainian orphans.