Well water drilling project in Zeleniy Gay is completed
The well water drilling project in Zeleniy Gay has evolved into a drinking water supply project and is finished now. At the time of our visit last October, the building protecting the intermediate storage tank was in the course of completion.

As reported in June 2006, the well alone was not enough to ensure a sufficient water flow in whole orphanage. The second phase thus consisted of installing an intermediate storage tank with a capacity of 10,000 liters (approx. 2,500 gallons).

Fortunately the orphanage was able to get hold of an old storage tank, whose outside was in bad condition, but whose inside turned out to be an aluminium tank in excellent condition.

The water tank was repaired, it was positioned high above ground (in order to profit from pressure by force of gravity) and a building was constructed, in order to protect the water tank against bad weather and cold.
The last part of this project consisted of an examination of the work by an independent instance – the French association Aquassistance is specialized in water supply projects. In October 2006 an expert accompanied us (pictures are here) and we could profit from his experience. We could at the same time study feasibility of a project for a neighboring boarding school (school-internat), as well as offer our assistance to local authorities, for renewing community water distribution network.

The French language report of the expert – thank you sincerely – is available here.
This project itself is not only very useful, but also proved to be very interesting, as it could be repeated in many other orphanages or boarding schools (school-internat), which suffer from the same problem. Naturally, if geological conditions are similar.
Many thanks to all involved and particularly in Galina. Without her this project could not have been realized.