News about Nikolay
The saga continues for our protégé Nikolay…

Nikolay had caught a cold during a ‘wasted time’ trip to Kiev at the end of 2005 and couldn’t have been operated (risks of infections during the operation and weak immune system). Since that unsuccessful trip we tried very hard to organize a second trip. It was very difficult, because either health condition of Nikolay did not allow a transport, or because no bed was free at the hospital or because the doctors were not available. Finally last November, we were able to schedule a new appointment at the hospital to carry out required surgeries. Nikolay was taken by car to Kiev hospital, accompanied by a nurse and by Vika, to carry out the last preparations before the operation.
Unfortunately, after one week of medical examinations, Nikolay again fell sick, victim once again of hypothermia. It is in any case the diagnosis posed by doctors of the hospital, and we thus had to take Nikolaiev back at the beginning of December. Fortunately, that did not affect his good mood.

After discussion with director Olga Ivanovna, we start to have some doubts about the goodwill of the hospital to really wanting to operate Nikolay, in spite of confirmation we gave that we would cover all expenses for operations and stay. She now got in contact with the ministry for health to obtain their support and to force the hospital to fulfill its obligations with respect to an orphan who has an urgent need for care since more than one year.
This story will continue after the holiday season, which lasts for quite a long time in Ukraine.