News regarding the Montessori pilot project

This is an archive page of Les Amis de Svieta from 2000-2021

As announced in last June’s article, a good part of the September/October trip was dedicated to the realization of this project which particularly lies at our heart.

We are in November now and the project was successfully concluded. The classroom is almost ready and the furniture is built and installed. Even the teachers are ready. They participated at the first Montessori specific training at the end of October. There remains nothing more but some cosmetic aspect (lamps, carpet and curtains) to be finished, then to arrange the many toys and the abundant literature on the shelves before the children can taste with pleasure the teaching method developed by Dr. Montessori!
Contrary to custom, this project carried out by Vika and her employees holds the schedule envisaged last summer with the greatest satisfaction of all the involved parties. A slight budget overrun due to a certain euphoria at the time we purchases the toys 🙂 and higher training costs (course and stay in Kiev) since we decided to train not one but two people, was covered thanks to your donations. You will find more images illustrating this project in the Albums section.
We are rather proud of the result achieved and sincerely hope to be able to use the knowledge obtained during the realization of this project to construct in future many more in other orphanages or ‘school internat’, since the Montessori method applies to children of all ages.
Our sincere thanks go to the American family which agreed to reallocate their whole donation (originally envisaged for a laundry renovation project which never got started >:-( ) for this project and without which all of that would never have been possible!