News regarding Kherson Baby House windows replacement project

During the September/October trip, we went to Kherson to start this project which we initiated back in May 2006 (to see the previous article on this subject).
The first funds having been transferred by the Irish donator towards the end of the summer, it was up to us to initiate the project. First of all we took contact again with the companies (2) having tendered last May. Much to our surprise we learned that prices had increased in the worst case to the double! We therefore went on site with a 3rd company which could only confirm increase in prices. [This unconvincing situation at the building market is linked for one part to the increase of the price of oil (all materials are in most cases transported by the road in Ukraine) and on the other part by the ‘superheating’ of the real estate market in the big cities of the country. The number of construction sites opened in Kiev or in Kharkov, for instance, is absolutely impressive and the price of real estate roars].
We therefore had to review our planning and our ambition to reduce prices too, but the project really started and as of today already 3 additional windows were replaced.

The available funds should allow us to replace 10 more (as well as a glass door) before the end of November.