Kherson Baby House windows replacement project
During 2005, we’ve got in touch (through Internet) with an Irish family who adopted in Kherson Baby House. They were thrilled to hear we were visiting that orphanage and have asked us to transmit pictures and letters as well as to asess their needs…

During our May 2006 visit, Director Svetlana Petrovna insisted on the windows replacement project. Thanks to state subvention and quite a bit of self-funding efforts, she has been able to replace a few windows already but the building has so many of them, and in such a bad state, that she kindly requested our help with that project.
During summer 2006, the Irish family paid a visit to the orphanage and has been able to see for themselves what the project is about as well as evaluate offers from a couple of bidders. They have decided to go for it and will try to provide funding to finish the project before winter will come!
We encourage everybody interested in this project to ofs_pt('106112102112066115119107101117099046112116103')" >contact us and we will gladly setup the link with that Irish family.