First visit to Kremenchuk “baby house”
During the May 2006 trip to Ukraine we had the opportunity to visit for the first time the “baby house” in Kremenchuk.

Kremenchuk is a city located on both sides of the Dniepr and is approximately halfway on the direct road between Nikolaiev and Kharkov. It is in these 2 cities that the majority of our activities in Ukraine are concentrated (for the moment). We thus visit them regularly at the time of each voyage.

At the time of the publication of our route to the various discussion groups related to the Ukraine (what we always do in order to offer a guaranteed “mail service” to those participants of these lists that wish it) we were contacted by the person in charge for this orphanage at the American humanitarian aid organization Life2Orphans which asked us to take a few pictures that you will find here!
As it is always very interesting to visit other orphanages to better understand their problems, we accepted the invitation and this visit appeared extremely interesting.